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VetsREI | Veteran's Real Estate Investing

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VetsREI | Veteran's Real Estate Investing

Educating and Assisting Veteran's with Real Estate Investing.

Welcome to VetsREI! We aim to educate and assist United States Veterans with real estate investing. This is done primarily in regards to opportunities afforded through their VA Loan. After this, there is a myriad of opportunites associated with Real Estate. We believe that opportunities associated with the VA Loan is the single most valuable benefit offered to Veterans today. We aim to educate and assist with those opportunities and ensure that Veterans are best suited for reality's demand. Our goal is to assist any Veteran to use their VA Loans and related opportunities to acquire 12 doors  and on track to be paid off by retirement.


Please join us in subscribing to our email list and consider giving a $3 monthly support commitment if you are a Veteran, Real Estate Professional, or a Very Valued Supporter.


You can subscribe & support here



Sign the Lease

Hello, my name is Caleb Longgrear. I am the founder of I'm a 18 year National Guard Veteran who has served on one combat tour and multiple in state activations.


I have benefited from the real estate opportunity associated with VA Loans and I would love to see this opportunity bless yours and your families lives, and legacy.


Please consider understanding how this platform works and whether it is worth your time/investment. My first year in home ownership improved my net worth by around $100,000.


And it could happen to you. No guarantees are being offered or suggested, and it's unlikely to happen in the same way, but it is very likely, given enough time and intention.

Caleb Longgrear



Veteran's Real Estate Syndicate

Assisting Veteran's with Real Estate

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